Our services


About 4% of Australians have ADHD. Many of us are either misdiagnosed or not diagnosed. At Epsychiatry, we provide ADHD services to certain states and territories.

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Low Self Esteem

Self-esteem refers to the way in which you see yourself. That is to say, if your self-esteem is low you will struggle to see the good in you, be more critical of or question yourself more often.

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People with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, otherwise known as OCD, experience recurrent irrational and intrusive thoughts, which they can’t dismiss with reasoning or logical thinking.

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Poor Sleep & Mental Health

The amount of sleep we need varies from person to person and most of us will have periods of poor sleep at some point in our lives. Sleep difficulties become a problem when they are recurrent, night after night.

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Poor Body Image

The way we see ourselves undoubtedly influences the way we interact with the world. In simple terms, body image refers to how we think and feel about our body. Body image lies on a spectrum...

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Anxiety or fear is a normal response to a real or imagined threat. Everyone feels anxious from time to time. This is normal. Anxiety can be a healthy emotion.It can actually prepare...

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Depression is a common mental health condition with a high burden of disease. Research suggests that 1 in 7 Australians will experience depression at some point in their life.

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, commonly referred to as PTSD, is a psychiatric disorder that develops in response to an extremely traumatic and often life-threatening event or situation.

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Stress & Mental Health

Feeling pressured is a normal part of life. Sometimes feeling that pressure is what makes us actively respond and be more present. However, too much stress can be a problem.

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Chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts for 3 months or more. Pain Psychology persists long after the injury and has a significant impact on day to day life and mental health.

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